circulating water thermal regulator / with LCD display / for injection molding machines / modular
integrat plus
INO Group
circulating water
with LCD display
for injection molding machines
Other characteristics:
Maximum temperature:
140 °C (284 °F)
The gwk temperature control system integrat plus, is a modular, adaptive temperature control system for any number of circuits to be individually controlled.
The different system components enable optimal adjustment to the process, under technical as well as economical aspects.
Selection of the components is always made on the basis to achieve all the desired properties of the moulded part at the lowest possible cycle time and at a maximum process safety with the lowest sensible investment costs.
The temperature control system integrat plus consists of 4 modules:
- Electro bus with a common cabinet and main switch for individual supply of the circuits. Quick plug in connection for the individual control modules.
- Hydraulic bus with a common cooling water supply and cooling water return for individual supply of the circuits. One separate process supply and return per temperature control circuit with inbuilt filter, which can be isolated individually. Quick coupling to cooling water supply.
- Control module per circuit with enclosure to IP 54 standard, with inbuilt gwk compact regulator and connection to each hydraulic module.
- Hydraulic module per circuit in housing including pump, heating, cooling, flow measurement, control and safety functions. Quick connection to the hydraulicbus.