INO Group
Metrology - Laboratory
Analytical Instrumentation
Gamma spectrometers, scintillation counters
Gamma spectrometers, scintillation counters
Analytical Instrumentation
Optical spectrometers, fiber optic spectrometers
FT-IR-spectrometers, Raman spectrometers
Spectrofluorometer, filter fluorometers
Atomic emission spectrometers: S-OES, GD-OES, ICP-OES...
Atomic absorption spectrometers, atomic fluorescence spectrometers
X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, XRF analysers
X-ray diffractometers: XRD, SAXS, WAXS
Gamma spectrometers, scintillation counters
Other spectrometers: NMR...
Electron spectrometers: AES, XPS, EELS...
Mass spectrometers
Chromatography accessories
Particle size analyzers
Elemental analyzers
Other material characterization instruments
Other laboratory analyzers
Thermal analyzers: Calorimeters
Thermal analyzers: DSC, TGA, TMA, thermal conductivity analyzers
Liquid analyzers: sum parameters (DOC, BOD, COD...)
Liquid analyzers: metals
Liquid analyzers: disinfection (chlorine, ozone...)
Liquid analyzers: nutrients (NO3, PO4, NH4...)
Liquid analyzers: hardness, salinity
Liquid analyzers: multi-parameter
Fuel and oil analyzers
Other liquid analyzers
Liquid analysis test kits
Probes, transmitters and controllers for liquid analysis
Electrodes for liquid analysis
Sensors for liquid analysis
Conductivity meters
pH meters
Gas sensors
Gas transmitters
Gas detection control units
Fixed gas detectors
Fixed gas detectors
Portable gas detectors
Oxygen analyzers (O2)
Hydrogen analyzers (H2)
Analyzers / carbon dioxide
Analyzers / carbon monoxyde
Nitrogen oxides analyzers (NOx)
Total hydrocarbon analyzers (THC)
Sulfur oxides and sulfur compounds analyzers (SOx)
Multi-gas analyzers
Combustion gas analyzers
Other gas analyzers
Air quality monitoring devices
Particle counters
Gas sampling probes
Calibrators for gas detectors and analyzers
Gas analysis equipment
Carbon dioxide analyzers (CO2)
Carbon monoxide analyzers (CO)
X-ray detector / linear
The Y.LDA Series, manufactured by YXLON, is a line of linear x-ray detectors with a large scope of contrast in a voltage sector ranging up to 11 MeV. The units may come in different variations for a wide variety of applications. They ...
radioisotope counter / binary / digital / electronic
Hand-Held Radioisotope Identifiers Since 2004, ORTEC Detective Family Hand-Held Radioisotope Identifiers (HHRIIDS or RIIDS) have been in the front line of operations to interdict the illicit trafficking of nuclear materials worldwide, ...
whole body counter / electronic
Whole-body counting means radioactivity measurement present within the human body. The technique applies only to radioactive materials that are able to emit gamma rays. Beta emitters too can be measured in some conditions. Gamma emitters ...
scintillation detector / gamma ray
NaI(Tl) | 905 Series
These are Nal(Tl) Scintillation Detectors. A gamma ray when it interacts with such a detector, will produce a pulse of light which can be converted into an electric pulse using a PMT or photomultiplier tube. The detector is fitted with ...
scintillation detector
Lanthanum Bromide Scintillation Detectors is one of the new generation inorganic scintillation gamma ray detectors with many great features. They have an appreciable energy resolution and high light output. Higher maximum output is ...
portable analyzer / multi-channel / MCA
16k | DigiDART
The DigiDART edition of highly capable mobile digitized HPGe MCA units which are enduring and technically balanced. The unit fits in the palm of a hand, with possible hanging from the belt and a greater than 9 hour battery life, and weighs ...
X-ray detector / silicon drift / multi-sensor
SiriusSD® series
SGX Sensortech has a long history in producing Silicon based energy dispersive x-ray detector systems for x-ray spectroscopy applications using synchrotron radiation, conventional x-ray tube or charged particle beam excitation. Previously ...
X-ray detector / silicon drift
20 - 150 mm² | X-MaxN
Launched in August 2012, the new X-MaxN range of Silicon Drift Detector exploits a new sensor chips, new electronics, and innovative packaging to deliver a truly next generation SDD performance. The X-MaxN Silicon Drift Detector comes ...
whole body counter / scintillation / electronic
AT1322 series
The AT1322 and AT1322/1 scintillation whole body counters (WBC) are instruments fitted for measurement of 131I and 133I radionuclide content in the human thyroid gland. They have flexible software controls of WBC functions, generation ...
radioactivity detector / scintillation / probe / for ambient air monitoring
FHZ 691-10
Detect even the smallest amounts of artificial radioactivity with a high sensitivity scintillation detector. The Thermo Scientific™ FHZ 691-10 probe is specially suited to detect dose rate increases as small as 3 percent at normal background ...
positron detector
FHT 3511
Thermo Scientific FHT 3511 monitor represents a design that uses coincidence counting in addition to the large area plastic scintillation detector. It is capable of unparalleled geometrical efficiency and offers less sensitivity to the ...
positron detector / ultrasonic / analog
FHT 3511
Ultrasonic Sensors Analog outputs 0-10V Input voltage 17-30VDC Range control with teach-in function 80" max distance Sensing range from 60 to 2000mm
X-ray detector / CCD
Xsight Micron
Compact two-dimensional CCD detector X-ray and EUV detector An ideal compact two dimensional (2D) CCD detector, the new Rigaku Xsight Micron is optimized for use in applications as diverse as X-ray microscopy, X-ray microtomography, ...
gamma detector / X-ray
The conventional coaxial germanium detector is often referred to as Pure Ge, HPGe, Intrinsic Ge, or Hyperpure Ge. Regardless of the superlative used, the detector is basically a cylinder of germanium with an n-type contact on the outer ...
power analyzer / portable / MCA
Model LABR-1.5x1.5 Lanthanum Bromide Scintillation Detector is a medium-resolution scintillation detector featuring a 1.5 x 1.5 in. LaBr3(Ce) crystal in a hermetically sealed aluminum housing, including a photomultiplier tube, an internal ...