INO Group
Industrial machines and equipment
Surface Treatment
Others electrodeposition equipment
Others electrodeposition equipment
Surface Treatment
Sand-blasting machines, sand-blasting cabinets, sand-blasting guns
Shot-blasting machines, shot-peening machines, shot-blasting booths
CNC polishing machines, belt sanders, bench grinders
CNC polishing machines, belt sanders, bench grinders
Stripping robots, scalers, other stripping equipment
Downdraft tables, recovery systems for abrasive materials
Bonded abrasives, grinding wheels
Coated abrasives, non-woven abrasives
Abrasive media
Abrasive brushes: deburring brushes, stripping brushes
Cleaning brushes, washing brushes
Washing machines: immersion, spray
Solvent cleaning machines: immersion, spray, vapor
Ultrasonic cleaning: machines, tanks, tunnels
Ultrasonic cleaning: generators, transducers
Dry ice cleaning, plasma cleaning, laser cleaning
Other cleaning machines
Corona-effect surface preparation machines
Plasma surface preparation machines
Thermal spray coating equipment
PVD coating machines
CVD coating machines
Galvanizing baths, phosphating baths, bluing baths
Others electrodeposition equipment
Painting lines
Paint booths, paint tunnels
Painting machines, painting units
Paint robot
Other painting tools
Other painting tools
Powder coating systems
Electrostatic guns
Suction paint guns
Gravity paint guns
Automatic paint guns
Other paint atomizers
MIG weld cleaning and passivating machine / stainless steel
Clinox Rec is the more advanced solution to TIG, TIG with filler metal, MIG/MAG, pulsed-arc MIG, laser, resistance, orbital, and plasma welding. The advanced technology Clinox Rec, through an immediate electrochemical reaction and the ...
TIG weld cleaning and passivating machine / stainless steel
Clinox Pro Energy is the solution designed for the immediate eco-friendly treatment to TIG, pulsed-arc MIG, laser, resistance, orbital, plasma, and tack welding. The advanced technology Clinox Pro Energy, through an immediate electrochemical ...
evaporator / electron beam / laboratory
Extremely clean evaporation Upgradeable Cost-effective Temp. range: 160 C - 3300 C Fully bakeable up to 250 C A FOCUS product The EFM 2 is a basic version of the EFM 3. It features the same proven capabilities in terms of evaporation ...
evaporator / electron beam / process
EFM 3i
Ion-Beam-Assisted Deposition Ion suppression Evaporation area 5 - 20 mm Flux monito Integrated shutter A FOCUS product Specifically designed for a smooth layer growth of difficult materials, the EFM 3i allows the controlled evaporation ...
DMD deposition machine
Triple EFM
Aluminium (Al) Sputtering with excellent step coverage using the PlasmaPro System400 Al has applications in metal interconnects and hardmask. It may be deposited using Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD), also known as Sputter Deposition. ...