blown film
Other characteristics:
with water cooling, multilayer
AMUT DOLCI BIELLONI has developed a new range of extruders,
especially designed for the blown
film operation.
The targets to be achieved were the following:
reducing the energy consumption per kg of production;
increasing the mixing properties of the screws;
increasing the output per hour.
The extruders range from a minimum diameter of 48 mm L/D35
up to 160 mm L/D35.
The performances are rather unique, the energy saving is aro
20-25% and this has been achieved by installing a new
generation of gearboxes and water-cooled motors and low shear
The results in terms of output represent a real bre
akthrough in
blown film extrusion.
The 48 mm extruder L/D35 has today the same performances as
formerly was typical of 60 mm extruder L/D30 and the 60 mm
extruder L/D35 has the same performances as formerly was ty
pical of a 90 mm extruder L/D30.
Obviously, the
saving in energy consumption
is evident, but also the
reduction of floor space
one of the advantages.