Treated material:
for PVC
Number of screws:
counter-rotating twin-screw
Bitruders are operated with counter-rotating, intermeshing screws that enable the direct processing of powder. The technology is especially appropriate when it comes to the processing of temperature-sensitive compounds like PVC recipes.
From plastic waste to park benches: New products such as planks, bollards, bank reinforcement or just park benches can be made from recycled polymers – for instance from waste collected in special recycling bags. You can process such waste material directly and without previous compounding in a single operation, from raw material to finished product.
Direct processing of shear-sensitive materials.
Compounding is the only solution for shear-sensitive materials? Far from it: Thanks to the low screw speeds typical for the Bitruder technology, materials are processed in such a gentle manner that also extremely sensitive materials can be directly extruded saving time and energy.