cotton carding machine / for viscose fibers / for medical applications
C 70
INO Group

for cotton, for viscose fibers, for medical applications
Hydra, a new high-production carding machine for medical items made up of bleached cotton and viscose, is a machine with a working width 1500 mm that is suitable to process very short fibres, to reach heavy output loads (up to 60 gr/m) and high speeds.
It is successfully applied in all the sectors requiring the use of a cotton card (equipped with stationary or rotating flats) with a higher working width and it is suitable also for all the raw materials for which good opening is necessary.
In fact, the new HYDRA preserves all the fundamental characteristics of Bonino cotton card for regenerated cotton - a card that is wellknown all around the world for the processing of regenerated, short or dirty cotton fibres - and it implemens it with the experience that the company can boadt in the nonwoven sector.
This machine is used to manufacture spunlaced products, absorbent cotton (zigzag, pre-cut, rolls, and so on) and cotton pads for personal hygiene.
Made up of a breast with a diameter of 700 mm and a carding group with a diameter of 1500 mm, it can have a delivery provided with one or two doffers.
As far as the carding elements are concerned, both to the breast and to the card can be applied stationary or rotating flats similar to those used for cotton, workers/strippers group, and/or mixed configurations.
HYNDRA joins the machines to produce sliver for cotton swabs and cotton balls, the air lay installations for heavier webs, the lines for ribbon for hygienic tampons, supplementing the range of machines used in the health sector.