compact, ring
Other characteristics:
for worsted yarn
Despite the high precision of the ring spinning process, ring-spun yarns still present some defects. These defects arise from the fact that the fiber bundle coming out from the front cylinders is wider than the spinning triangle. This entails that edge fibers are usually lost or caught in a disordered way into the yarn.
Compact technology allows to reduce the width of the fiber bundle so that all fibers are caught and integrated into the yarn structure with the following benefits:
• Reduced yarn hairiness;
• Enhanced yarn evenness;
• Higher strength and elongation values;
• Less variability in yarn strength and elongation;
• Lower required twist on the spinning frame (higher production);
• Reduced fiber fly in weaving and knitting operations (fewer defects on the fabrics and higher efficiency of the machines);
• Enhanced fabric properties (fabric strength, abrasion resistance, pilling behavior, visual and tactile characteristics).